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第十六届(2020)中国•成都“阳光杯”学生新音乐作品比赛 获奖作品名单揭晓

来源:本站     作者:管理员    发布时间: 2020/12/10 10:58:06   



        一等奖:《String Quartet》,Emre Eröz,国籍:土耳其,土耳其比尔肯大学


       二等奖:《Gossamer dreaming》,Terence Yap,国籍:新加坡,澳大利亚西悉尼大学

        《Septuor d'Antony》,Tetsuya Yamamoto山本哲也,国籍:日本,法国里尔国家音乐学院

       三等奖:《The Absurd Path》,晏毓璘,国籍:中国,九州体育ju111(中国)公司官方网站


                        Quartet for 4 Soloists》,邹天宇,国籍:中国,中央音乐学院

优秀奖:《Lone Star Falls into the Ocean》,丁力行,国籍:中国,瑞士伯尔尼艺术大学

                        《凋零的落叶Feuilles fanées》,刘瀚泽,国籍:中国,中央音乐学院

           Reaching for the Unreachable Point of Desire》,Pedram Diba,国籍:美国,加拿大麦克吉尔大学

          Behind the Darkness》,孟桓锋,国籍:中国,中央音乐学院


                       《落风 Falling Winds》,张之洋,国籍:中国,中央音乐学院




组委会主席:周思源 刘立云

评委会主席:「日本」西村朗 教授 Akira Nishimura

评委:「法国」特里斯坦·缪哈伊 教授Tristan Murail

「日本」板仓康明 教授Yasuaki Itakura



比赛秘书:景琦 博士






The 16th SUN RIVER PRIZE Students’ New Music Composition Competition,

Chengdu, China 2020

                                                 Announcement of the Winning Entries

  The 16th SUN RIVER PRIZE Students’ New Music Composition Competition received 115 applications from all over the world, including China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, United States, Canada, Israel, Iran, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, France, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, Finland, Serbia, Russia, and Poland, a total of 22 countries, along with Hong Kong (China) and Taiwan (China) region. There were 2 entries violated the regulation of the competition, therefor, 113 entries got into the preliminary evaluation stage. After careful selection from 7 judges, there were 12 entries get into the final round, the secondary evaluation started at Dec. 3rd. After the confirmation from the Chairman of Jury, Akira Nishimura, here we announce the list of winning entries:


First PrizeString Quartet, Emre Eröz, Turkey, Bilkent University. (Turkey)


Second Prize: Gossamer dreaming, Terence Yap, Singapore, University of Western Sydney. (Australia)


Second Prize: Septuor d'Antony, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Japan, Conservatoire de Lille. (France)


Third Prize: The Absurd Path,        Yan Yulin, China, Sichuan Conservatory of Music. (China)


          Quartet for 4 Soloists, Zou Tianyu, China, Central Conservatory of Music. (China)


          Hiderigami, Ma Hao, China, Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Muenchen. (Germany)


Merit Award: Lone Star Falls into the Ocean, Ding Lixing, China, Bern University of Arts. (Switzerland)


            Feuilles fanées, Liu Hanze, China, Central Conservatory of Music. (China)


                        Reaching for the Unreachable Point of Desire, Pedram Diba, United State, McGill University (Canada)


Behind the Darkness, Meng Huanfeng, China, Central Conservatory of Music. (China)


Aurora, Li Longfei, China, Manhattan School of Music. (United States)


Falling Winds, Zhang Zhiyang, China, Central Conservatory of Music. (China)

Chairman of Organizing Committee/ Zhou Siyuan, Liu Liyun


Chairman of Jury/ Prof. Akira Nishimura (Japan)


Jury: Prof. Tristan Murail (France)

Prof. Yasuaki Itakura (Japan)

Prof. Zhong Juncheng (China)

Prof. Song Mingzhu (China)

Prof. Yang Xiaozhong (China)

Prof. Guo Yuan (China)


Coordinator: Dr. Jing Qi


The Organizing Committee of the 16th SUN RIVER PRIZE

Students’ New Music Composition Competition


Dec. 9th, 2020







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