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第15届(2019)中国•成都 “阳光杯”学生新音乐作品比赛初评公示

来源:     作者:    发布时间: 2019/12/6 14:25:00   

本届赛事共收到来自中国、中国香港、台湾、菲律宾、美国、法国、巴西、意大利、新西兰、俄罗斯、波兰、马来西亚、英国、日本、德国、伊朗、土耳其、韩国、奥地利、阿塞拜疆等不同国家和地区的57部参赛作品。本届赛事评委会主席由著名作曲家、比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院Peter Swinnen教授担任,评委会由中央音乐学院郝维亚教授、上海音乐学院周湘林教授、比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院Bart Bouckaert教授、首都师范大学高平教授、九州体育ju111(中国)公司官方网站宋名筑教授、杨晓忠教授、郭元教授担任。初评工作已于2019年11月通过匿名通讯评审共遴选出十二部入围作品。 编号——作品名 S201915005——姻缘 S201915014——归尘 S201915017——Picture from London S201915018——饕餮 S201915025——Verhalten S201915026——Unbalanced Connotations and The Pleasure of Hope S201915027——THE CRISPY HAZE BETWEEN ISOLATED ENLIGHT AND DE(-)LIGHT S201915037——Shadow play S201915040——Wagyu Pigs S201915042——Space S201915043——Sonorous Counterpoise for string quartet S201915052——BETIEREKOAREN INGURUAN 第十五届(2019)中国•成都 “阳光杯”学生新音乐作品比赛组委会 2019年12月6日 Preliminary Evaluation of 15th SUN RIVER PRIZE (2019) Students’ New Music Composition competition Chengdu China 2019 CHENGDU-CHINA 15th SUN RIVER PRIZE Students’ New Music Composition Competition received 57 pieces from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippine, USA, France, Brazil, Italy, New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Malaysia, UK, Japan, Germany, Iran, Turkey, South Korea, Austria, Azerbaijan other countries and regions around the world. Peter Swinnen, renowned composer, professor of Royal Conservatory of Brussels, served as the chairman of jury. Prof. HAO Weiya of Central Conservatory of Music, Prof. ZHOU Xianglin of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Prof. Bart Bouckaert of Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Prof. GAO Ping of Capital Normal University, Prof. SONG Mingzhu of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Prof. YANG Xiaozhong of Sichuan Conservatory of Music and Prof. GUO Yuan of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, served as members of jury. 12 pieces were selected into the final round after the anonymous preliminary selection by November, 2019. No. Title of Composition S201915005——Yin Yuan S201915014——Dust to Dust S201915017——Picture from London S201915018——Tao Tie S201915025——Verhalten S201915026——Unbalanced Connotations and The Pleasure of Hope S201915027——THE CRISPY HAZE BETWEEN ISOLATED ENLIGHT AND DE(-)LIGHT S201915037——Shadow play S201915040——Wagyu Pigs S201915042——Space S201915043——Sonorous Counterpoise for string quartet S201915052——BETIEREKOAREN INGURUAN s Committee of 15th SUN RIVER PRIZE (2019) Students’ New Music Composition competition Chengdu China December 6th, 2019







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